Temperature Dependence of Resistivity | Quiz Current Electricity Share with your friends here! Current Electricity Topic Based Quiz (Temperature Dependence of Resistivity) General Instructions This quiz belongs to the Chapter- Current Electricity This quiz is based on the concept of- Temperature Dependence of Resistivity Each question carries one mark. There is no negative marking. Keep a rough notebook with you for rough work. All the best! 1. We use alloys for making standard resistors because they have- low temperature coefficient of resistivity and high specific resistance high temperature coefficient of resistivity and low specific resistance low temperature coefficient of resistivity and low specific resistance high temperature coefficient of resistivity and high specific resistance None 2. Pieces of copper and of silicon are initially at room temperature. Both are heated to temperature T. The conductivity of both increases both decreases copper increases and silicon decreases copper decreases and silicon increases None 1 out of 2 Time's up Share with your friends here!