Conversion of Galvanometer into Ammeter

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Moving Coil Galvanometer-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Moving Coil Galvanometer.


We have learnt-

  • A galvanometer is an instrument that is used to detect small currents in an electric circuit.
  • An ordinary galvanometer gives a full scale deflection with a small current of few μA.
  • The range of a galvanometer is increased by converting it into an ammeter.


In this article, we will learn the conversion of a galvanometer into an ammeter.




  • An ammeter is a device that is used to measure electric current through a circuit element.
  • It is always connected in series with the circuit element through which the current is to be measured.
  • To ensure that its insertion in the circuit does not change the current, an ammeter is designed to have very small effective resistance.
  • An ideal ammeter has zero resistance.


Conversion of Galvanometer Into Ammeter-


To convert a galvanometer into an ammeter,
  • A small resistance of suitable value is connected in parallel with the galvanometer.
  • The resistance connected in this way is called a shunt.


The value of shunt resistance depends on the desired range of the current to be measured.




The following diagram shows the conversion of a galvanometer into an ammeter-



Calculating Value of Shunt Resistance-



  • Rg = Resistance of the galvanometer
  • Rs = Shunt resistance
  • Ig = Full scale deflection current i.e. current required to produce full scale deflection in the galvanometer
  • 0-I = Desired current range of the ammeter


As galvanometer and shunt are connected in parallel, so-

Potential difference across the galvanometer = Potential difference across the shunt

Ig x Rg = (I – Ig) x Rs


From here, the value of shunt resistance is given by-



Important Note

Before converting a galvanometer into an ammeter of desired range, we must know-

  • Resistance of the galvanometer (Rg)
  • Full scale deflection current of the galvanometer (Ig)


Effective Resistance-


The effective resistance of the converted ammeter is given by-



MCQs Quiz-

MCQs Quiz on Conversion of Galvanometer into Ammeter



Worksheet on Conversion of Galvanometer into Ammeter


Next Article-

Conversion of Galvanometer into Voltmeter


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