Conversion of Galvanometer into Voltmeter

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Moving Coil Galvanometer-


Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Moving Coil Galvanometer.


We have learnt-

  • A galvanometer is an instrument that is used to detect small currents in an electric circuit.
  • An ordinary galvanometer gives a full scale deflection with a small current of few μA.


In this article, we will learn the conversion of a galvanometer into a voltmeter.




  • A voltmeter is a device used to measure potential difference across any two points in an electric circuit.
  • It is always connected in parallel with the circuit element across which the potential difference is to be measured.
  • A voltmeter is designed to have very high effective resistance.
  • An ideal voltmeter has infinite resistance.


Conversion of Galvanometer Into Voltmeter-


To convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter,

A high resistance of suitable value is connected in series with the galvanometer.


The value of high resistance depends on the desired range of the voltmeter.




The following diagram shows the conversion of a galvanometer into a voltmeter-



Calculating Value of High Resistance-



  • Rg = Resistance of the galvanometer
  • R = High resistance to be connected in series
  • Ig = Full scale deflection current i.e. current required to produce full scale deflection in the galvanometer
  • 0-V = Desired range of the voltmeter


Using Ohm’s law, we must have-

V = Ig x (Rg + R)


From here, the value of high resistance is given by-



Important Note

Before converting a galvanometer into a voltmeter of desired range, we must know-

  • Resistance of the galvanometer (Rg)
  • Full scale deflection current of the galvanometer (Ig)


Effective Resistance-


The effective resistance of the converted voltmeter is given by-



MCQs Quiz-

MCQs Quiz on Conversion of Galvanometer into Voltmeter



Worksheet on Conversion of Galvanometer into Voltmeter


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